Enhance Your Products
The Werc Shop® remains dedicated to helping cannabis businesses develop a deeper understanding of the cannabis plant. After pioneering terpene analysis in 2011, we have tirelessly continued to develop our analytical methods to expand our scope, and now include more than 175 analytes in our method to cover many other chemical classes of compounds that naturally occur in cannabis. Using this state-of-the-art methodology we have examined countless cultivars for the specific aromas and chemical fingerprints, resulting in a comprehensive library of award-winning, naturally occurring flavorful formulations that patients and adult consumers continue to love.

Cannabis cultivar specific ratios of Native terpenes
Terpenes found in the cannabis plant
Native blends plus other botanically-inspired components
The Werc Shop’s library of flavors begin with Strain Native® blends, which are cultivar-specific ratios of terpenes and other compounds naturally found in cannabis. Strain Native is at the heart of every formulation that we produce. Strain Native is responsible for the cannabis specificity and unique complexity found in all of our flavors and leads to effects that are TRUE TO PLANT®.
Native® blends expand on Strain Native by augmenting terpene levels found in a specific strain or combining multiple strains into one. The Native class allows us to “cross-breed” in the flavor lab to mix and match profiles and effects ex botanico. Inspired® blends take this one step further using Native as a foundation upon which we layer other botanically-inspired components. All of this is done within a strict set of ingredient standards that are designed to meet compliance and quality requirements now and into the future.
Inquiries email: terpenes@thewercshop.com

Terpenes and terpenoids are everywhere. They are found ubiquitously in nature and are the primary constituents of the essential oils of all botanicals. Yet due to the complex composition of essential oils, humans are not typically exposed to individual terpenes and terpenoids in isolation. For example, the scent of a fresh bunch of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is anchored by the terpene component linalool, but it is the unique pattern of many aromatic components that allows us to recognize it as lavender.

The most common terpenes in cannabis are:

Cannaroma, the W, Werc, Native, Inspired, and More Than Flavor are trademarks of The Werc Shop, LLC, registered in trade relevant jurisdictions and pending.